School Code:


No uniform substitutes are permitted. • You may not alter the design of the uniform or spirit wear (i.e. rhinestones, glitter) • If a clothing article is not listed, it is not acceptable to wear to school, as it is not considered a part of the dress code. • Please remember to order outer wear for cooler weather.

These can take some time to arrive, so please plan ahead. • Uniforms must be clean, neat, and in good repair always. • Administration reserves the right to address violations on an individual basis. • Blankets are not to be worn or wrapped around your body at school. • No headbands with ears or antennas may be worn. • Students are not permitted to use pens and markers to write and draw on visible body parts. •Hats may be worn outside only at PE or Recess• The official Uniform Supplier is French Toast. Our school code is Qs614TF and there is a link on our website at • If a student in grades 6/7 is wearing an article of clothing not listed as acceptable below, parent/guardian contact will be made, and an acceptable article of clothing must be brought to the front office of the school before the student can return to class. All missed classwork due to dress code violation by the student will be considered unexcused.

SHIRT: A navy, white or yellow, girls or boys, pique collared short and long sleeve shirt, with the IACA logo on the chest. Shirts must be always tucked in. Students may wear only white or navy undershirts and/or long-sleeve shirts, with no writing or visible design on the sleeves under their school shirts. Peter Pan collar shirts may be worn with jumpers. These are available on French Toast.

Boys- Shorts or pants worn appropriately at the waist. A brown, navy or black belt must be worn with shorts or pants if there are belt loops. All bottoms are khaki or navy. All bottoms must be chino style and fabric.

Girls- Khaki or navy shorts, skorts or pants. All bottoms are khaki or navy. All bottoms must be chino style and fabric. A brown, navy or black belt must be worn with shorts or pants if there are belt loops. Skorts, shorts or a plaid skort must be no shorter than three inches above the knee.

FOOTWEAR-Closed toe shoes are the only type allowed. Students should never wear boots, slippers, sandals, flip flops, crocs or shoes without backs. White, navy or black socks are the only color socks permitted. Boys socks must be white, navy or black crew or ankle length. Girls may wear white, black or navy knee high, ankle length or no show socks.

DRESS-DOWN DAYS/FRIDAYS/ Dress-down days occur throughout the school year. On these days students may wear full-length solid color blue jeans/pants with no rips, tears, or shredding or Khaki shorts/pants/skorts; and an IACA “Spirit Shirt”. Leggings and stretch pants are not allowed.

Sunglasses may not be worn indoors.

KINDERGARTENSTUDENTSONLY- must wear Velcro tennis shoes if they are unable to tie their own shoelaces. They must also wear a magnetic or Velcro brown belt if they are unable to buckle their own belt. In addition, please send a full change of uniform clothes for your child in a zip loc bag with his or her name on it. Please include socks, underwear, and shoes. This policy is enforced to save parents time and to get the child back to class as soon as possible in case of a bathroom accident or spill.

FIELD TRIPS UNIFORM – All IACA students must wear a navy collared shirt and khaki bottoms for off campus field trips.

PE DRESS CODE (Middle School Students only) - Middle school students must change for PE and dress out in the approved school PE uniform. Laced tennis shoes must be worn during PE.

OUTERWEAR-There are a variety of options available through French Toast. A navy cardigan sweater, navy full zip hoodie, navy zip rain jacket, navy sweater vest and a navy fleece half zip pullover. Outerwear may only include the IACA logo and no other words or designs. We encourage families to label outerwear with student name inside or with monogram.

Exception: Students may wear scout uniform tops on their meeting days only.

DRESS CODE ENFORCEMENT - Students who do not comply with dress code will receive a warning for dress code violation. After a student receives three warnings, the fourth offense will result in a referral for student being out of dress code. As stated above, if a student in grades 6/7 is wearing an article of clothing not listed as acceptable below, parent/guardian contact will be made, and an acceptable article of clothing must be brought to the front office of the school before the student can return to class. All missed classwork due to dress code violation by the student will be considered unexcused.


3. Choose an icon
School logo is chosen by default

Spirit Shirts

Girls Dress Code

Boys Dress Code

Staff Dress Code